The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is established in SDJASM in the year 2017 as it is a major step in pushing long-term quality standards. IQAC in this Institution is a significant administrative body that is responsible for all quality matters. It is the prime responsibility of IQAC to initiate, plan and supervise various activities that are necessary to increase the quality of the education imparted in college. Therefore, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has a significant and meaningful contribution in the functioning of the Institution. Following are the functions of IQAC:
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the Institution.
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
- Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
- Documentation of the various programs and activities leading to quality improvement.
- Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
- Development of Quality Culture in the Institution.
In short, this cell gives shape to the entire planning of the Institution. The Committee is constituted of following members:
- 1. Dr. Anil Kumar Jain (Chairperson)
- 2. Dr. Shruti Pareek (Convener)
- 3. Dr. Hitendra Jain (Member)
- 4. Shri Krishna Dev Shukla (Member)
- 5. Shri Hemant Jain (Member)
- 6. Mrs Kavina Singh (Member)
- 7. Shri Anil Jain (Member)
- 8. Shri. Sunil Puri Goswami (Member)
The Committee is constituted of following members:
- 1. Dr. Hitendra Jain
- 2. Mr. Anil Jain

Department of Admissions acts as an interface between the students and the Institute, by helping the students to chose subjects of their interest area. The members of the admission committee are well equipped to understand the skill set of the students and provide appropriate guidance.
- 1. Mr. Arvind Gautam
- 1. Dr. Hitendra Jain
- 2. Mr. Mahendra Malhotra
- 1. Shri Sunil Puri Goswami

The Examination cell is responsible for conducting Internal Exams of Upadhyay Classes. Examination duties, dates and other procedures of exams are controlled by this committee.
- 1. Dr. Krishna Dev Shukl
- 2. Mr. P.L.Yogo

In order to encourage students to excel in academics as well as extra- curricular activities the students are accorded with various awards and prizes. Those students who show outstanding and excellent performance in academics, sports, cultural and other co-curricular are given awards by the Managing Committee and other donors. Like: Smt. Usha Devi Memorial Educational Endowment Award of INR 5000/-, Trophy and Certificate is given to the Best Student of the Year at Shastri level.
The Prize Distribution Committee selects the meritorious students in a very fair and transparent manner. The students are rated on the basis of designed parameters. The members of the committee are:
- 1. Mr. Anil Jain
- 1. Mr. Sunil Puri Goswami

This committee helps in developing and updating the website. Day to Day college activities/ events is informed to students by putting notice on the website. Members of this committee are:
- 1. Mrs. Kavina Singh
- 2. Dr. Shruti Pareek

The objective of Literary and Cultural Committee in SDJASM is to bring to light hidden talents among the students and to conduct various cultural and literary programs in the college. A committee of faculty members is constituted at the beginning of every academic year. The committee prepares a program schedule every year and that is intimated to the students so that they can actively participate in the events.
Our College is highly conscious about cleanliness and its impact on health and environment. The college sincerely participated in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan initiated by the Govt. of India. It also organized many awareness programs like “Clean Jaipur Green Jaipur”, “Plastic free India”, “ Nasha Mukti Abhiyan” etc. in collaboration with NGO’s. It is a tradition in SDJASM to organize “Van Mahotsav” every year in which students’ plant trees inside and outside the campus. In fact their job does not get over just by planting trees, they pledge to water it and protect it. The members of the committee are:
- 1. Mr. Hemant Kumar Jain
- 1. Ms. Bithika Kundu.

Vocational and Occupational Guidance are provided to the students through the Career and Counseling Cell. To correlate the curriculum with demands of the real life a career and counseling cell has been established by the Institution. Teachers guide students about further studies and help in choosing field of their interest. Moreover, they also guide students to appear in State and National Level Competition exams like NET, Ist, IInd and IIIrd grade teaching, IAS, RAS exams etc. Teachers also supply them with proper and relevant information and also direct them to good coaching centers.
Counseling cell also functions to deal with problems of students regarding curriculum, campus environment, functioning of the various units etc. Remedial classes are arranged for weak students facing difficulty in understanding basics of the curriculum. Following are the members of the committee:
- 1. Mr. Hemant Kumar Jain

As per the directives of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 16 May 2007, an Anti-Ragging Cell is running in our college. The Institution receives the ragging information through complaint box, personal information and by the CCTV cameras that are installed in the college. In case any student is found indulged in ragging activities he/she would be rusticated from the college. An FIR would be lodged in Police Station and the management would be free to take action against them. The primary objective of this committee is to address and effectively solve various student related matters.
Besides this, the cell has been constituted to develop unity and integrity among students. As students belong to different states, cultures and religions, their unity and brotherhood is a must. The members of the committee are:
- 1. Mr. P. L. Yogi
- 2. Dr. Jyoti Sharma
- 1. Ms. Varsha Jain

SDJASM advocates the empowerment of women and has zero tolerance for sexual harassment. The college has a Woman Safety and Security Cell which looks swiftly and diligently into matters related to sexual harassment. Complaint boxes have been placed at different places in college for the reporting of grievances. On the basis of true evidences and discussion the committee takes strict action against the harasser Boards containing details of all members of the Committee have also been displayed.
- 1. Dr. Jyoti Sharma
- 1. Mr. Hemant Kumar Jain

The College is committed to maximizing student participation in games and sports activities. In the very beginning of the new session the committee plan programmes for the year. The staff members work in co-ordination with the Principal to ensure participation of students in extra-curricular activities off-campus. Competitions are held in all major track and field events, in Badminton, Chess, Cricket, Volley Ball, Kabbadi, Kho-Kho, High Jump, Long Jump, Shot-put etc. Prizes / awards / certificates instituted by the College are issued to the participants.
- 1. Mr. Sunil Puri Goswami
- 2. Mr. Arvind Gautam
- 3. Dr. Jyoti Sharma

The College has a Grievance Redressal Cell comprising the Principal and Staff members to address the grievances of students. Students Grievance Redressal Cell provides its support to solve the problems of the students at various levels. The Principal in consultation with the HOD’s concerned solves the problems amicably then and there. However, the Cell is not a forum for entertaining indiscipline or violation of College rules and regulations and does not encourage rebellion among students. Grievances pertaining largely to amenities, teaching – learning, library were received through feedback forms and redressed like:
1. Safe drinking water facilities (RO with Water cooler is setup).
2. More toilet facilities for students (New additional toilets constructed).
3. Malfunctioning of light facilities or switches (Rectified and replaced with new ones).
The Grievance Redressal Cell actively interacts with the students to help them to solve their grievances. The students drop their grievances in the suggestion box. Students are also free to share their grievances with the class tutors, HODs and the Principal. Immediate meeting of the cell is arranged for addressing the students’ issues. It attends to both registered and unregistered grievances of the students. Necessary action is taken after issues are discussed in the concerned cell. Following are the members of the committee:
- 1. Dr. Krishna Dev Shukl

Book Bank facility is a unique feature of the Institute wherein students, teachers and others donate books to the library. All the students are provided text books from the library specifically of Jain Darshan, Prakrit and Sanskrit. The students can borrow books from the library for one complete session and a Committee is authorized to sanction the facility to the students. Every year a large collection of textbooks is added to the existing book bank of the library.
- 1. Mr. Mahendra Malhotra